Garden restaurant in The Havel

size(cm): 50x60
Sale price$234.00 USD


Max Liebermann's Garden Restaurant on the Havel painting is an impressive work that captures the beauty and serenity of the German landscape. This painting is an excellent example of the Impressionist style, characterized by the use of loose brushwork and the capture of light and color in the moment.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as Liebermann has succeeded in creating a sense of depth and space in the scene. The garden extends towards the background of the painting, and the trees and the water of the river Havel create a natural frame around the scene.

Color is another fascinating aspect of this painting. Liebermann has used a palette of soft and warm colours, which reflect the sunlight and the surrounding nature. Green and brown tones dominate the scene, but there are also flashes of blue and yellow that add depth and variety.

The story behind the painting is also interesting. Liebermann painted this work in 1912, when the garden of the restaurant on the Havel was a popular place for the people of Berlin. The painting shows people enjoying the sun and the company of friends and family in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

There are some lesser known aspects of this painting that are also fascinating. For example, Liebermann was a Jewish artist who had to fight against discrimination and antisemitism in his career. Despite this, he became one of the most influential artists of his day and left a lasting legacy in art history.

In short, Max Liebermann's painting Garden Restaurant on the Havel is an impressive work that combines interesting composition, masterful use of color, and a fascinating story. It is a work that remains relevant and compelling today, and continues to inspire artists and art lovers around the world.

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