Pinturas de la Virgen

Virgin Paintings

1981 products

Showing 1729 - 1752 of 1981 products

Showing 1729 - 1752 of 1981 products
Virgin and Child
Sale priceFrom $158.00 USD
Virgin and ChildMariotto Albertinelli
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The Virgin Cardiotissa
Sale priceFrom $169.00 USD
The Virgin CardiotissaAngelos Akotantos
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the nativity
Sale priceFrom $158.00 USD
the nativityPietro Paolo Agabiti
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Cestello AnnunciationCestello Annunciation
Sale priceFrom $356.00 USD
Cestello AnnunciationSandro Botticelli
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pintura Madonna y el Niño - Sassoferrato
Sale priceFrom $235.00 USD
Madonna and ChildSassoferrato
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The Nativity
Sale priceFrom $190.00 USD
The NativityPiero Della Francesca
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pintura La Natividad - Federico Baroccipintura La Natividad - Federico Barocci
Sale priceFrom $188.00 USD
The NativityFederico Barocci
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pintura Virgen y Niño - Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Sale priceFrom $300.00 USD
Virgin and ChildBartolomé Esteban Murillo
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pintura Muerte de la Virgen - Caravaggiopintura Muerte de la Virgen - Caravaggio
Sale priceFrom $151.00 USD
Death of the VirginCaravaggio
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pintura Asunción De La Virgen - Ambrogio Borgognonepintura Asunción De La Virgen - Ambrogio Borgognone
Sale priceFrom $149.00 USD
Assumption of the VirginAmbrogio Borgognone
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pintura Asunción de la Virgen- Tizianopintura Asunción de la Virgen- Tiziano
Sale priceFrom $162.00 USD
Assumption of the Virgin- TitianTiziano
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pintura La Virgen del Divino Amor - Rafael
Sale priceFrom $267.00 USD
The Virgin of Divine LoveRafael
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pintura La Anunciación - Rogier van der Weydenpintura La Anunciación - Rogier van der Weyden
Sale priceFrom $127.00 USD
The AnnunciationRogier van der Weyden
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pintura La Virgen de Orleans - Rafael
Sale priceFrom $172.00 USD
The Virgin of OrleansRafael
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pintura Virgen del Candelabro - Rafael
Sale priceFrom $274.00 USD
Virgin of the ChandelierRafael
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