Two Children, Believed to be Emilia and Roberto Cecil

size(cm): 45x45
Sale price2.000,00 NOK


The painting Two Children, Thought to be Emily and Robert Cecil by Johann Kerseboom is a work that stands out for its elegance and delicacy in the representation of children. Kerseboom's artistic style is characterized by precise and detailed technique, which can be seen in the faces and details of the children's clothing.

The composition of the painting is harmonious and balanced, with the children placed in the center of the work and surrounded by a dark background that highlights their figures. The posture of the children, seated and facing the viewer, creates a feeling of intimacy and closeness.

The use of color is soft and delicate, with pastel tones that provide a sense of serenity and tranquility. The details of the clothing, with lace and embroidery, show the artist's ability to represent textures and materials.

The history of the painting is interesting, as the children depicted are believed to be Emily and Robert Cecil, the sons of the famous English politician Robert Cecil, who was the chief adviser to Queen Elizabeth I. The painting was painted in the 17th century and It is currently in the National Gallery in London.

Little-known aspects of the painting include speculation that the children might not actually be the children of Robert Cecil, but could instead be the children of Queen Elizabeth I. Additionally, it has been suggested that the painting might have been commissioned by the Queen herself. as a gift to the politician.

In summary, Two Children, Thought to be Emily and Robert Cecil is a work of art that stands out for its elegance and delicacy in the representation of children, as well as for its interesting history and little-known aspects.

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