Saint Hugh of Lincoln and Saint Benedict of Nursia

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price2.018,00 NOK


The painting "St Hugh of Lincoln and St Benedict of Nursia" by the artist Gherardo Di Jacopo Starnina is a fascinating work that combines elements of the Gothic and Renaissance styles, creating a composition rich in detail and symbolism.

Starnina's artistic style is characterized by her meticulous attention to detail and her ability to render lifelike human figures. In this painting, one can appreciate the meticulousness with which the artist has painted each fold of clothing and each facial feature, which demonstrates his technical mastery.

The composition of the work is balanced and harmonious. Starnina uses the contraposto technique, a posture in which the weight of the body is distributed asymmetrically, which gives a sense of movement and naturalness to the figures. St Hugh of Lincoln, the saint depicted on the left side of the painting, stands with a slightly bowed posture, while St Benedict of Nursia, on the right side, sits in a chair with a serene and contemplative attitude.

The use of color in this painting is remarkable. Starnina employs a rich and vibrant color palette, such as the deep red of the saints' vestments and the deep blue of the background. These colors contrast with the gold background, which brings a sense of divinity and transcendence to the scene.

The history of this painting dates back to the 15th century, when it was commissioned to decorate a chapel in Florence. The work depicts two saints revered in the Christian tradition: St Hugh of Lincoln, an English bishop known for his humility and charity, and St Benedict of Nursia, founder of the Order of Benedictines. The presence of these two saints in the same painting can be interpreted as a symbol of the union between the contemplative life and the active life in the service of God.

Although this painting is not as well known as other works of the Italian Renaissance, it deserves to be appreciated for its beauty and meaning. Its original size of 100 x 71 cm allows you to appreciate all the details and nuances of the work, making it a unique and captivating piece.

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