Queen Margaret on Horseback

size(cm): 45x45
Sale price1.999,00 NOK


"Queen Margarita on Horseback" is a masterpiece by the famous Spanish painter Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez. Large in size, measuring 297 x 309 cm, this painting captures the majesty and elegance of Queen Margrethe of Austria while riding a horse.

Velázquez's artistic style stands out in this work, as it shows his ability to capture reality with great precision. The artist uses a technique known as "loose brushwork", in which he applies rapid, loose brushstrokes to create a sense of movement and life in the painting. This can be seen in the folds of the queen's clothing and the horse's fur, which seem to come to life on the canvas.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect. Velázquez places Queen Margarita in the center of the work, surrounded by a court of characters who accompany her. The queen's position in the painting conveys a sense of power and authority, while the moving horse adds dynamism to the scene. Plus, the dark, neutral background allows the bright colors of the queen's outfit to pop even more.

Speaking of color, Velázquez uses a rich and vibrant color palette in this painting. Red, blue and gold tones dominate the attire of the queen and her retinue, reflecting the opulence and luxury of the royal court. Bright, contrasting colors also help to highlight the queen's figure and capture the viewer's attention.

As for the history of the painting, it is believed that it was commissioned by King Philip IV of Spain as a portrait of his wife, Queen Margaret. However, there are theories that suggest that it is actually an allegorical representation of the queen as Artemis, the goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. This interpretation is based on the presence of a deer in the background of the painting, which symbolizes hunting and wild nature.

In addition to its size and beauty, there is a little-known aspect of this painting that makes it even more fascinating. Velázquez is believed to have painted Queen Margaret of Austria with an intentionally slanted eye. This unique feature, which can only be appreciated up close, adds a touch of mystery and originality to the work.

In short, "Queen Margarita on Horseback" is a stunning painting that stands out for its artistic style, composition, use of color, and intriguing story. Velázquez's ability to capture reality and convey emotion through his loose brushstrokes is evident in this masterpiece. Furthermore, the presence of Queen Margaret surrounded by her court and the possible allegorical interpretation add layers of meaning to this iconic painting.

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