Young girl on a balcony over the ocean 1918

Size (cm): 50x60
Sale price€210,95 EUR


In the work titled "Young Girl on a Balcony over the Ocean", created in 1918 by Henri Matisse, there is a representation that encapsulates the serenity and charm of a young girl leaning over a balcony towards a vast ocean. Matisse, known for his genius in the use of color and the simplicity of forms, achieves in this work an exceptional synthesis of both characteristics.

When observing the painting, one can appreciate how the artist employs a soft and harmonious palette, dominated by blues and greens that evoke the sea and the sky, respectively. This chromatic spectrum gives the work an atmosphere of calm and depth, attributes that Matisse skillfully handles to invite the viewer to delve into the contemplative scene.

The young central figure that dominates the composition is a clear example of Matisse's ability to portray the human figure with a simplicity that borders on the schematic, without losing the capacity for expression and emotion. The girl is facing away from the viewer, a detail that generates mystery and introspection about her identity and thoughts, while at the same time allowing us to join her gaze towards the marine horizon. The woman wears a white dress that delicately contrasts with the background tones, highlighting her without breaking the general harmony of the work.

The balcony itself is represented with strokes that suggest more than define, allowing the viewer's eye to complete the details of the railings and the platform. This technique is a demonstration of Matisse's evolution towards formal simplification and refinement of lines that would culminate in his Fauvist stage and beyond.

The composition is masterfully balanced. The figure of the young girl is slightly shifted to the left of the center, allowing the empty space of the sea to her right to act as a visual counterbalance, creating a sense of amplitude and freedom. This use of space and structural elements within the painting demonstrates Matisse's ability to create dynamism without resorting to visual confusion.

Henri Matisse (1869-1954) is, without a doubt, one of the fundamental pillars of modern art. His ability to transform reality through his unique use of color and form has left an indelible mark on 20th-century art. Works like "Young Girl on a Balcony over the Ocean" are testimonies of his versatility and talent for capturing ephemeral moments with timeless and universal beauty.

In summary, this painting is a window not only to a serene maritime landscape but also to the soul of its creator, who, through each brushstroke, offers us a portion of his singular vision of the world. The work is an ode to simplicity and depth, and a reminder of the transformative power of Henri Matisse's art.

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