Tropical Vegetation, Martinique

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€172,95 EUR


The painting "Tropical Vegetation, Martinique" by Paul Gauguin is a masterpiece depicting the beauty and exuberance of tropical nature. Made in 1887, this painting is an example of the artistic style of post-impressionism, which is characterized by the intensity of color, the simplification of forms and the expression of emotions and feelings.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a great amount of detail and elements that combine to create a vibrant and full of life image. Tropical vegetation is the main theme of the work, with a great variety of plants, trees and flowers that intertwine and create a sensation of movement and dynamism.

The colors used by Gauguin are intense and saturated, with brilliant shades of green, yellow, red and blue combining to create a lush and vibrant palette. Light and shadow are used effectively to create depth and bring the greenery to life.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was created during Gauguin's trip to Martinique in search of inspiration and new experiences. During his time on the island, Gauguin fell in love with the beauty of tropical nature and was inspired to create a series of paintings that captured its essence.

Little-known aspects of the painting include the fact that Gauguin used mixed media to create the work, including oil, watercolor, and colored pencils. The painting is also known to have been sold by Gauguin to a private collector shortly after its creation, and has passed through several hands before reaching its current location at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

In short, the painting "Tropical Vegetation, Martinique" by Paul Gauguin is a masterpiece of Post-Impressionism depicting the beauty and exuberance of tropical nature. Its composition, color, and technique are impressive, and its little-known history and aspects make it even more interesting and valuable to art lovers.

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