A Dog and a Cat Fighting in a Kitchen Interior

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price€219,95 EUR


The painting A Dog and a Cat Fighting in a Kitchen Interior by the French artist Alexandre-François Desportes is a perfect example of the Baroque artistic style. The work, which measures 100 x 130 cm, was created in the 18th century and represents a domestic scene in which a dog and a cat face each other in a kitchen.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, since Desportes manages to capture the tension of the moment in which the two animals are fighting. The dog is on the ground, head up and teeth bared, while the cat is airborne, claws outstretched and eyes fixed on its opponent.

The coloring of the work is vibrant and full of life. The warm tones of the kitchen contrast with the cool colors of the animals, making the fight stand out even more. In addition, Desportes uses a loose and fluid brushstroke technique that gives a very realistic appearance to the animals and kitchen objects.

The story behind this painting is little known, but it is believed to have been commissioned by the French royal family as part of a series of works depicting scenes of daily life at court. The work has passed through various private collections and museums over the years and is today in the collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris.

In short, A Dog and a Cat Fighting in a Kitchen Interior is a fascinating work of art that combines technique, composition and color to create a scene full of life and movement. It is a perfect example of the Baroque style and a jewel in the collection of the Louvre Museum.

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