Morning, Cloudy Weather, Rouen

size(cm): 45x55
Sale price€191,95 EUR


The painting Morning, Overcast Weather, Rouen by Camille Pissarro is a work that stands out for its impressionist style and its ability to capture the atmosphere and light of the French city of Rouen. The composition of the painting is very interesting, as the artist uses a tilted perspective to show the city street and buildings, which creates a sense of depth and movement.

Color is also a prominent aspect of this work. Pissarro uses a palette of soft, muted tones to depict Rouen's gray, cloudy morning. Gray and blue tones mix with hints of green and yellow to create a calm and melancholic atmosphere.

The history of the painting is also interesting. It was created in 1896, when Pissarro was already a consolidated and recognized artist. The work was exhibited at the exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists in Paris in 1897, where it received positive reviews.

A little-known aspect of this painting is that it was part of a series of works that Pissarro created in Rouen during his stay in the city in 1896. The artist was drawn to the architecture and atmosphere of the city, and created several paintings that represent different times of day and different weather conditions.

In summary, the painting Morning, Overcast Weather, Rouen by Camille Pissarro is an impressionist work that stands out for its composition, its use of color and its ability to capture the atmosphere of the city. The history and context of the painting also make it an interesting and valuable work within the canon of Impressionist art.

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