Saint Anthony of Padua with Christ Child

size(cm): 45x55
Sale price€190,95 EUR


The painting "Saint Anthony of Padua with the Child Jesus" by Spanish artist Antonio de Pereda is a 17th-century masterpiece that combines elements of Baroque and Realism. The work, which measures 177 x 205 cm, presents the Franciscan Saint Saint Anthony holding the Child Jesus in his arms as a heavenly light illuminates them.

The composition of the work is impressive, with Saint Anthony and the Child Jesus at the center of the painting surrounded by a detailed landscape and a multitude of angels. The attention to detail is evident in every element of the work, from the wrinkles in Saint Anthony's clothing to the texture of the leaves on the trees in the background.

The use of color in the painting is remarkable, with warm, earthy tones creating a feeling of warmth and serenity. Light radiating from the central figures illuminates the rest of the painting, creating a sense of lightness and spirituality.

The story behind the painting is interesting, as Saint Anthony of Padua is a much-loved saint in Spain and throughout the Catholic world. In addition, Antonio de Pereda is considered one of the best painters of the 17th century in Spain, and this work is one of his most famous.

A little-known aspect of the work is that it was restored in the 20th century after being damaged in a fire in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War. The restoration was carried out by the Institute for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets of Spain, and the painting is now in excellent condition.

In summary, Antonio de Pereda's "San Antonio de Padua con el Niño Jesús" is an impressive work of art that combines baroque and realism in a detailed and colorful composition. The story behind the painting and its restoration also make it a fascinating work to study and admire.

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