Portrait of Thomas Cromwell

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€151,95 EUR


Hans the Younger Holbein's Portrait of Thomas Cromwell painting is a Renaissance masterpiece noted for its realistic style and carefully crafted composition. The work was created in the 16th century and measures 76 x 61 cm.

The portrait shows Thomas Cromwell, a politician and adviser to King Henry VIII of England, in a regal and confident pose. Holbein manages to capture the personality and character of the subject through the expression on his face and the posture of his body.

The use of color is subtle but effective in this work. The artist uses warm, earthy tones to create a sense of depth and realism in Cromwell's skin and clothing. Also, the dark, neutral background makes the subject stand out even more in the composition.

One of the most interesting features of this painting is the technique used by Holbein to create textures and details on Cromwell's clothing and skin. The artist used a technique called "glazing" which involves applying thin layers of paint to create a sense of depth and lightness in the work.

The story behind this painting is also fascinating. Thomas Cromwell was one of the most influential figures at Henry VIII's court, but he was also a controversial and contentious man. Holbein's work shows Cromwell at his height, just before his downfall and execution in 1540.

In short, Portrait of Thomas Cromwell is a Renaissance masterpiece noted for its realistic style, carefully crafted composition, and "glazing" technique. The story behind the painting also makes it a fascinating and meaningful work.

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