Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints

size(cm): 70x35
Sale price€200,95 EUR


The painting "Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints" by Taddeo Gaddi is a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance art. This piece was created in the 14th century and is in the collection of the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC

Taddeo Gaddi's artistic style is typical of the late Gothic, with painstaking attention to detail and a knack for the creation of complex figures and scenes. In this particular painting, Gaddi uses a linear perspective technique to create the illusion of depth and space in the scene.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with the figure of the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus in the center, surrounded by angels and saints. The figure of the Virgin Mary appears majestic, seated on a throne adorned with gold and blue details. The Child Jesus is seated on her lap, holding a pomegranate, a symbol of his future passion and death.

The colors used in the painting are rich and vibrant, with gold and red tones standing out against the dark blue background. The golden details on the throne and on the robes of the saints and angels add a touch of luxury and elegance to the work.

The story behind the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by the Strozzi family, one of the most powerful families in Florence in the 14th century. The painting was originally placed in the family chapel in the church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that Taddeo Gaddi was actually the disciple of Giotto, one of the most famous artists of the Italian Renaissance. Gaddi worked with Giotto on several important projects, and his artistic style was heavily influenced by his mentor.

In short, "Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints" is a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance art, with stunning composition, vibrant colors, and a rich history behind it. Taddeo Gaddi's skill as an artist is evident in every detail of the painting, and his legacy as a disciple of Giotto is a testament to his importance in art history.

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