Madonna and Child with Angels Playing Music

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€161,95 EUR


The painting Madonna and Child with Angels Playing Music by Pere Serra is a masterpiece of Catalan Gothic art from the 14th century. The work is currently in the National Art Museum of Catalonia in Barcelona and measures 196 x 130 cm.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with the figure of the Virgin Mary seated on a throne surrounded by angels playing musical instruments. The figure of the infant Jesus is seated on her lap, while the Virgin holds an open book in her left hand. The artistic style of the work is typically Gothic, with intricate detail and great attention to detail.

The paint color is vibrant and rich, with gold and red tones creating a feeling of warmth and light. The details in the angels' wings and in the vestments of the Madonna and baby Jesus are impressive, and the attention to detail is evident in every brushstroke.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it is believed to have been commissioned by the Pedralbes Monastery in Barcelona in the 14th century. The work remained in the monastery for centuries until it was transferred to the National Art Museum of Catalonia in the 19th century.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that Pere Serra is believed to have worked on it along with other artists, meaning the work is the result of a collaborative effort. This fact makes the painting even more interesting as it shows how artists worked together in medieval times to create stunning works of art.

In summary, the painting Madonna and Child with Angels Playing Music by Pere Serra is an impressive work that combines impressive composition, gothic artistic style and vibrant color. The history of the painting and its collaborative aspect are interesting aspects that make the work even more fascinating.

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