Virgin and Child at La Fuente

size(cm): 50x30
Sale price€152,95 EUR


The Madonna and Child at the Fountain painting is a masterpiece by the Flemish artist Jan Van Eyck, measuring only 19 x 12 cm. Despite its small size, this painting is one of the most famous and admired of the Nordic Renaissance.

Van Eyck's artistic style is characterized by his attention to detail and his ability to create effects of light and shadow. In Madonna and Child at the Fountain, you can see the precision with which the artist has painted every fold of the Virgin Mary's clothing and every drop of water that falls from the fountain. The figure of the child Jesus is also represented with great realism and expressiveness.

The composition of the painting is very balanced, with the figure of the Virgin Mary in the center and the baby Jesus at her side. The fountain and the landscape behind them create a beautifully detailed background that gives depth to the scene.

Color is another prominent aspect of Van Eyck's work. In this painting, blue and green tones dominate the landscape and the clothes of the Virgin Mary, while the baby Jesus is dressed in a warm shade of red. Light falling on the scene creates shadows and reflections that add even more richness and depth to the color.

The history of the painting is interesting because very little is known about its origin and its fate over the centuries. It is believed to have been painted around 1439-1440 for an unknown client. The painting was rediscovered in the 19th century in a palace in Bruges and has since been one of the most admired works in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that Van Eyck included his signature on the work, which was unusual for the time. The signature is found at the bottom of the painting and reads "Johannes de Eyck me fecit" (Jan Van Eyck made me).

In short, Madonna and Child at the Fountain is a Nordic Renaissance masterpiece noted for its attention to detail, balanced composition, use of color, and intriguing story. Despite its small size, this painting remains one of the most admired and studied in art history.

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