Virgin and Child

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€161,95 EUR


Vincent Sellaer's "Virgin and Child" painting is a Flemish Renaissance masterpiece that has captivated art lovers for centuries. The piece, which measures 94 x 69 cm, represents the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus on her lap, surrounded by a bucolic landscape.

What makes this painting so interesting is its artistic style, which combines elements of the Italian Renaissance with the Flemish tradition. The figure of the Virgin Mary, for example, is modeled with great detail and realism, while the landscape behind her is more stylized and decorative.

The composition of the work is also remarkable, as Sellaer deftly manages to balance the figure of the Madonna and child with the landscape behind them. The position of the Virgin, with her head bowed towards the child, creates a feeling of tenderness and maternal love that is touching.

In terms of colour, Sellaer's palette is rich and vibrant, with warm tones of red, yellow and orange contrasting with the cooler tones of green and blue in the landscape. This use of color gives the painting a feeling of warmth and life that is very attractive.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It is believed to have been created in the 1530s and commissioned by a wealthy Antwerp family for their private chapel. Over the centuries, the work changed hands several times before being acquired by the Prado Museum in Madrid, where it is currently located.

Some lesser-known aspects of the painting include the decorative details on the Virgin's clothing, such as gold embroidery and pearls, which show Sellaer's skill as an artist. It has also been speculated that the figure of the baby Jesus is based on the artist's son, which gives a personal and emotional touch to the work.

In short, the painting "Virgin and Child" by Vincent Sellaer is an impressive work of art that combines technical skill, aesthetic beauty and deep emotions. It is a piece that remains relevant and moving today, and one that deserves to be admired by generations to come.

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