The Virgin with Angels Playing Music

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€161,95 EUR


Madonna with Angels Playing Music is a masterpiece by the Catalan artist Pere Serra, painted in oil on canvas in the 14th century. This painting is one of the most outstanding of the international Gothic style, which is characterized by elegance and sophistication in the representation of the figures.

The composition of the painting is striking, as the Virgin Mary stands in the center surrounded by four angels playing different musical instruments. The Virgin holds the Child Jesus on her lap, who is also surrounded by an aura of light. The composition is designed to draw the viewer's attention to the figure of the Virgin Mary and her son.

The use of color in the painting is impressive, with a palette of cool and soft colors that create a heavenly atmosphere. The deep blue of the Virgin's cloak contrasts with the gold of the crown and the pure white of her tunic. The angels are dressed in pastel shades and their wings are delicately and detailed painted.

The story behind this painting is fascinating. It is believed that it was commissioned by the royal family of Aragon for the chapel of the Royal Palace of Barcelona. The painting was stolen in the 18th century and was lost for centuries until it was rediscovered at auction in 1932.

A little known aspect of this painting is that the figure of the Virgin Mary is inspired by the statue of the Virgen de la Cinta in the Cathedral of Tortosa, a city near Barcelona. Angels playing music are also believed to represent the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity.

In short, Madonna with Angels Playing Music is a masterpiece of international Gothic art that stands out for its composition, use of color, and the story behind its creation and rediscovery. It is a painting that continues to captivate viewers with its beauty and heavenly message.

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