Joseph Sold into Slavery by His Brothers

size(cm): 50x60
Sale price€210,95 EUR


The painting "Joseph Sold into Slavery by his Brothers" by Hungarian artist Károly Ferenczy is an impressive work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. This large work (192 x 229 cm) depicts a biblical scene in which the character of Joseph is sold into slavery by his own brothers.

The artistic style of this work is impressionist, which can be seen in the technique of loose brushstrokes and the use of light and color to create a dramatic atmosphere. The composition of the painting is also very interesting, as Ferenczy uses a diagonal perspective to create an effect of depth and movement in the scene. This can be seen in the figure of Joseph, who is in the center of the painting and appears to be being dragged into the background by his brothers.

The use of color in this work is another outstanding aspect. Ferenczy uses a dark, somber color palette to reflect the dramatic tone of the scene. The contrast between the dark colors and the lighter tones in José's figure creates a glowing effect that highlights his figure in the midst of the darkness.

The story behind this painting is also interesting. Ferenczy was one of the first Hungarian artists to adopt impressionism as an artistic style, and this work is a demonstration of his ability to create impressive works with this technique. Furthermore, the biblical story depicted in this painting is one of the best known and most dramatic in the Bible.

In short, "Joseph Sold into Slavery by his Brothers" is an impressive work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. This work represents a dramatic scene from the Biblical story of Joseph and his brothers, and is a demonstration of Ferenczy's talent as an impressionist artist.

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