Equestrian Portrait of Frederick William III

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€152,95 EUR


The painting Equestrian Portrait of Frederick William III, by the artist Franz Krüger, is a work of art that stands out due to its impressive original size of 361 x 258 cm and its commanding presence. This masterpiece of equestrian art depicts the King of Prussia, Frederick William III, riding a horse in the middle of a large square, surrounded by his retinue.

The artistic style of the painting is impressive, as Krüger manages to capture the majesty of the king and his horse in great detail and realism. The composition of the work is very interesting, as the artist skillfully manages to balance the figure of the king with that of the horse, creating a feeling of harmony and balance in the image.

The color used in the painting is vibrant and striking, with warm tones that highlight the figure of the king and his horse. In addition, the artist skillfully uses light and shadow to create a three-dimensional effect in the image, making the figure of the king and his horse appear to jump out of the painting.

The history of the painting is also very interesting, as it was commissioned by King Frederick William III himself to commemorate his victory at the Battle of Leipzig in 1813. This battle was a key moment in Prussian history, as it allowed the country regain their independence and national pride.

Finally, there are some little-known aspects of painting that are worth mentioning. For example, Krüger is said to have used a living model for the figure of the horse, allowing him to more accurately capture the animal's anatomy and posture. In addition, the painting was restored several times over the years, which shows the importance that has been given to this work of art over time.

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