Angel of the Annunciation

size(cm): 65x30
Sale price€181,95 EUR


The painting "Angel of the Annunciation" by Italian artist Francesco Morone is a fascinating work that stands out for its artistic style and composition. This work of art was created in the 15th century and measures 208 x 94 cm, making it a stunning piece that will catch the eye of any viewer.

Morone's artistic style is characterized by his ability to create realistic and detailed figures, which can be seen in the representation of the angel in this painting. The artist manages to masterfully capture the beauty and grace of the celestial being, with its wings outstretched and its serene gaze.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect that draws attention. Morone uses a perspective technique that allows him to create a sense of depth and space in the scene. The angel appears in the center of the image, floating in the air and holding a white lily in her hand. Around him, you can see details such as the clouds, the landscape and the architecture of the city, which are represented with great precision and detail.

Color is another prominent aspect of this artwork. Morone uses a palette of soft, delicate tones, which give the painting a sense of calm and serenity. The pastel colors used in the angel's clothing and in the background of the scene create an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

The history of the painting is also interesting. It is believed to have been created for the church of San Bernardino in Verona, Italy, and commissioned by the Della Scala family. The work passed through several hands before being acquired by the Prado Museum in Madrid, where it is currently located.

Regarding little-known aspects, it is known that Morone was a very influential artist in his time, and that his work was highly valued by his contemporaries. It is also said that the angel in the painting was inspired by a real figure that Morone saw in a dream, which gave him the idea to create this masterpiece.

In summary, the painting "Angel of the Annunciation" by Francesco Morone is an impressive work of art that stands out for its artistic style, its composition, its color and its history. This piece is a showcase of Morone's talent and skill as an artist, and continues to be a source of inspiration and admiration for art lovers around the world.

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