Women Working at Pillow Lace (The Sewing School)

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price¥32,500 JPY


The painting Women Working on Pillow Lace (The Sewing School) by Giacomo Ceruti is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art. With an original size of 150 x 200 cm, this painting is a true treasure that shows the artist's ability to capture the daily life of the time.

Ceruti's artistic style is known for its realism and its ability to portray the lives of ordinary people. In this painting, we can see a group of women working on their lace pillows, while a female teacher supervises their work. The composition of the painting is impressive, with the women arranged in a semicircle around the teacher, creating a sense of community and collaboration.

The color in the painting is subtle and harmonious, with soft shades of brown and beige creating a sense of calm and tranquility. The light in the painting is soft and natural, giving it a realistic and authentic look.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by the noble family of the Ospedali di Santo Spirito e San Carlo in Rome. The work was destined to decorate the institution's sewing room, which shows the importance given to art in the daily life of the time.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Ceruti used real models to create the figures in the work. This allowed her to capture the authenticity and real life of the women who worked in sewing.

In short, Giacomo Ceruti's Women Working on Pillow Lace (The Sewing School) is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art that captures the daily life of the period with impressive skill. The composition, color and history of the painting are fascinating and show the importance of art in the daily life of the time.

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