Virgin and Child Before a Fireplace

size(cm): 30x50
Sale price¥24,800 JPY


The painting "The Madonna and Child before a Fireplace" by Robert Campin is a masterpiece of Flemish art from the 15th century. This work is one of the most outstanding of the artist and is in the collection of the Museo del Prado in Madrid.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with the Virgin Mary sitting on a wooden chair, holding the Child Jesus on her lap. The fireplace behind them is an unusual element in a religious painting, but it adds a touch of realism to the scene. The light emanating from the fireplace illuminates the scene and creates a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Campin's artistic style is evident in painting, with his attention to detail and his ability to create a sense of depth and volume. The clothing of the Virgin and Child is richly detailed, with folds and textures that appear lifelike. Colors are rich and vibrant, with warm shades of red, gold and brown creating a feeling of warmth and comfort.

The history of the painting is interesting as it is believed to have been commissioned by a wealthy family from Tournai, Belgium as a devotional work for their home. The fireplace in the painting may be a reference to the family that commissioned the work, as they are known to have owned a brick and pottery factory.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that it is believed to be one of the first works to use the technique of linear perspective, which creates the illusion of depth and space in a painting. This is evident in the way the fireplace and chair are represented in the painting, with lines converging at a vanishing point on the horizon.

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