Still life

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price¥27,300 JPY


Artist Abraham Mignon's Still-Life painting is a 17th-century masterpiece that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This painting is a stunning example of the style of still life painting that became popular in the Baroque era.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a wealth of carefully arranged detail. Mignon uses a painstaking and detailed painting technique to create an image that appears almost photographic. The objects in the painting are arranged so that they seem to float in the air, giving it a sense of movement and life.

The color in the painting is vibrant and rich, with a range of warm and cool tones combining to create a beautiful and harmonious image. The red and gold tones of the fruits and flowers contrast with the cooler tones of the metal and glass objects, creating a sense of depth and texture.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Mignon was a Dutch artist who worked at the court of Louis XIV in France. His work was highly valued by the French nobility, and his style of still life painting became very popular throughout Europe.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that Mignon often included occult symbols in his works. In this particular painting, the fruits and flowers are believed to represent life and death, while the metal and glass objects symbolize the vanity and transience of material things.

In short, Abraham Mignon's Still-Life painting is a stunning piece of art that represents the style of still life painting at its finest. With its detailed composition, vibrant color palette, and fascinating story, this painting remains one of the most admired works of the 17th century.

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