San Sebastián Attended by Irene and her Servant

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price¥32,600 JPY


The painting St Sebastian Tended by Irene and Her Servant by artist Nicolas Régnier is a 17th-century masterpiece noted for its Baroque artistic style and impressive composition. The work, which measures 170 x 230 cm, represents the scene of Saint Sebastian being cared for by Irene and her servant after having been martyred.

The artistic style of the painting is typically Baroque, with special attention to detail and a strong sense of drama. The figure of Saint Sebastian, which occupies the center of the composition, is rendered with impressive realism, with every muscle and vein carefully delineated. The figure of Irene and her servant, who are taking care of San Sebastián, are represented with a grace and delicacy that contrast with the strength and violence of the main figure.

The paint color is rich and vibrant, with a palette of warm tones that evoke the feeling of warmth and passion. Gold and red tones predominate in the work, creating a sensation of intensity and emotion.

The history of the painting is fascinating, as it was commissioned by Cardinal Francesco Barberini in the 17th century. The work was part of the Barberini family art collection for many years before being sold to a private collector in the 20th century.

One of the most interesting aspects of the painting is the presence of a small dog in the lower right part of the composition. This often overlooked detail is believed to symbolize fidelity and loyalty, adding a touch of tenderness to the work.

In short, St Sebastian Tended by Irene and Her Servant is a Baroque masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, dramatic composition, and rich color palette. The history of the painting and little-known details, such as the presence of the dog, add a touch of mystery and fascination to this impressive work.

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