Salmon - Boaz - Obed

size(cm): 45x90
Sale price¥41,200 JPY


The painting Salmon - Boaz - Obed by Michelangelo Buonarroti is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece that has captivated viewers for centuries. This impressive work of art measures 215 x 430 cm and represents three generations of the family of Boaz, one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ.

One of the most interesting aspects of this painting is its artistic style. Michelangelo used a fresco painting technique, which involves applying pigments to a fresh plaster surface. This allowed him to create a work of art that was durable and resistant to the passing of time.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. Michelangelo created a dynamic scene full of movement, with figures that appear to be in constant motion. The central figure of Boaz stands out for his imposing presence and his gesture of blessing towards his family.

Color is another aspect that stands out in this painting. Michelangelo used a palette of warm, earthy tones, reflecting the atmosphere of the biblical landscape. Gold and silver details add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the work.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Michelangelo was hired to paint this work by Cardinal Jean de Bilhères, who wanted to decorate the Sistine Chapel with scenes from the genealogy of Christ. The Salmon - Boaz - Obed painting was one of the first to be completed and is located on the upper part of the north wall of the chapel.

Finally, there are little-known aspects of this painting that deserve to be mentioned. For example, it is believed that Michelangelo used his own father as a model for the figure of Boaz. In addition, it has been speculated that the figure of Obed, the baby in Ruth's arms, was inspired by Michelangelo's son, who had been born shortly before he began work on the work.

In short, the painting Salmon - Boaz - Obed by Michelangelo Buonarroti is an impressive work of art that combines a unique artistic style, dynamic composition, warm color palette, and rich history behind it. It is a masterpiece that continues to captivate viewers to this day.

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