Departure from the Inn

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price¥33,800 JPY


Pieter Van Laer's painting Departure from the Inn is a 17th-century masterpiece depicting everyday life at the time. The artist's Baroque artistic style is reflected in the work's dramatic composition and detailed technique.

The painting shows a group of travelers leaving an inn in a caravan of horses and carriages. The scene is full of activity and movement, with characters carrying luggage and preparing the horses for the journey. The composition is dynamic and balanced, with a strong diagonal running through the image creating a sense of movement to the right.

The coloring of the work is vibrant and varied, with warm and cool tones combining to create a sense of depth and texture. The details in the clothing and objects in the scene are meticulous and lifelike, demonstrating the artist's ability to accurately capture everyday life.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it is believed to have been painted during the artist's stay in Rome, where he joined the community of Dutch artists working there at the time. The work was acquired by King Charles I of England, who included it in his personal art collection.

Little-known aspects of the work include the influence of Italian painting on Van Laer's style, as well as his interest in depicting everyday life and genre scenes. It is also known that the artist was known for his skill in painting animals and landscapes, which is reflected in the composition of the work.

In short, Pieter Van Laer's painting Departure from the Inn is an impressive work of art that reflects everyday life in the 17th century with detail and precision. Its baroque style, dramatic composition, and vibrant coloring make it a masterpiece of Dutch art.

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