Portrait of Joaquin Murat

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price¥24,500 JPY


The painting Portrait of Joachim Murat by Anne-Louis Girodet De Rouccy-Trioon is a masterpiece of 19th century neoclassical art. The portrait shows French General Joachim Murat, who was one of Napoleon Bonaparte's closest allies, in a confident and regal pose.

The artistic style of the painting is typical of Neoclassicism, with its emphasis on clarity and simplicity of forms. Murat's figure stands out against a dark, uniform background, giving him an air of authority and power. In addition, the artist uses a dramatic lighting technique to highlight Murat's facial features and create deep shadows on his military uniform.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, since the artist uses a very marked diagonal to divide the image into two parts. Murat stands in the upper right corner of the diagonal, while his sword and left hand extend to the lower left corner. This diagonal creates a feeling of movement and tension in the image, which makes it even more interesting.

Color-wise, the painting uses a very limited palette, with shades of gray, black, and white. However, the artist uses small touches of color on Murat's clothing and on his medal to add visual interest and bring a pop of color to the image.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Joachim Murat was one of Napoleon's bravest and most loyal generals, but after the emperor's fall, he became an enemy of the new French government. He was captured, tried, and executed in 1815. The Girodet painting was created in 1808, when Murat was still a national hero and a close ally of Napoleon.

In conclusion, Portrait of Joachim Murat is a masterpiece of neoclassical art that stands out for its artistic style, interesting composition, dramatic lighting technique, and fascinating story. It is a work that deserves to be seen and admired by any art lover.

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