Portrait of a Gentleman

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price¥26,100 JPY


Portrait of a Gentleman is a masterpiece by the Austrian artist Anton Von Maron, dating from the 18th century. This portrait is a perfect example of the Baroque artistic style, characterized by its drama and emphasis on detail.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with the man's portrait at the center of the image, surrounded by a dark and gloomy background. The man is dressed in a red robe and black cloak, and his face is illuminated by a soft light that highlights his facial features.

The use of color in this painting is also very interesting. The vibrant red of the man's tunic contrasts against the dark background, creating a striking and dramatic effect. Furthermore, the artist has used a very skillful shading technique to create a sense of depth and texture in the man's clothing.

The story behind this painting is also fascinating. The man portrayed is believed to be Cardinal Carlo Rezzonico, who was elected as Pope in 1758 under the name Clement XIII. The painting was commissioned by the Rezzonico family as a gift to the Pope, and has become one of von Maron's most famous works.

One of the lesser known aspects of this painting is the fact that Von Maron was a very influential artist in his time. He was one of the first artists to adopt the neoclassical style, which is characterized by its emphasis on simplicity and clarity. His work was greatly admired by his contemporaries, and his influence can be seen in the work of many other artists of the day.

In short, Portrait of a Gentleman is an impressive piece of work that combines drama and beauty in one image. The composition, the color and the story behind the painting are all fascinating aspects that make this work one of the highlights of Anton Von Maron's career.

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