Legend Of Saint Francis: 23. Saint Francis Wept For Saint Clare

size(cm): 35x30
Sale price¥20,600 JPY


The painting "Legend of Saint Francis: 23. Saint Francis Mourned by Saint Clare" by Giotto di Bondone is a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance art. This painting is part of a series of frescoes that Giotto painted in the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi in the 13th century.

The composition of the painting is impressive. In the center of the image, we see San Francisco, kneeling and crying, while Santa Clara comforts him. The figure of Saint Francis is represented in great detail, with his beard and brown tunic. The figure of Santa Clara, on the other hand, is dressed in a white habit and her face is full of compassion.

The color in the painting is vibrant and full of life. The shades of brown and green in Saint Francis' robes contrast with the white of Saint Clare's habit. The background of the painting is a light blue sky, which brings a touch of serenity to the scene.

The story behind the painting is moving. San Francisco and Santa Clara were close friends and together they founded the Order of the Poor Clares. When San Francisco was dying, Santa Clara visited him and comforted him in his last moments. This painting represents that moment of deep friendship and compassion.

A little known aspect of this painting is that Giotto used innovative techniques to create a sense of depth and realism in the image. For example, the figure of Saint Francis is depicted at an angle that suggests he is kneeling in real space, rather than simply floating in the air.

In short, the painting "Legend of Saint Francis: 23. Saint Francis Mourned by Saint Clare" is a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance art. The composition, color, and story behind the painting are stunning, and Giotto's innovative technique makes it a truly unique work of art.

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