Leda and the Swan

size(cm): 50x55
Sale price¥32,700 JPY


The painting Leda and the Swan by Italian artist Cesare Da Sesto is a work of art that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This painting, measuring 69.5 x 73.7 cm, represents the Greek myth of Leda and the swan, in which Zeus transforms himself into a swan to seduce Leda, the wife of King Tyndaro of Sparta.

One of the most interesting characteristics of this work is the artistic style in which it was created. Cesare Da Sesto was an Italian Renaissance painter, and his style is characterized by attention to detail and precision in the representation of the human figure. In Leda and the Swan, one can appreciate how Da Sesto has managed to capture the beauty and sensuality of the female figure, as well as the strength and majesty of the swan.

The composition of the painting is also remarkable. Da Sesto has used a diagonal composition technique, leading the viewer from Leda's head to the swan's tail. In addition, the figure of Leda is in a slightly inclined position, which gives a sense of movement and dynamism to the painting.

Regarding color, Da Sesto has used a palette of soft and delicate tones, which give the painting a feeling of serenity and tranquility. The pastel tones of Leda's skin contrast with the brilliant white of the swan's plumage, creating a sense of harmony and balance.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It is believed to have been created in the 1520s, during the height of the Italian Renaissance. The work has passed through various hands over the centuries, and is currently in the collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Lastly, there are some little-known aspects of this painting that are worth mentioning. For example, Da Sesto is believed to have used Leonardo da Vinci's mistress, known as La Gioconda, as a model for the figure of Leda. Furthermore, the painting has been the subject of controversy due to its explicit sexual content, which has led to some versions of the work being censored throughout history.

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