Judith with the Head of Holofernes

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price¥24,900 JPY


The painting "Judith with the Head of Holofernes" by Giuseppe Césari is an impressive work that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This late Renaissance masterpiece features a dramatic and detailed composition showing the Biblical heroine Judith holding the head of the Assyrian general Holofernes after he had beheaded him.

Césari's artistic style is classic and elegant, with a focus on anatomy and precision in detail. The painting is full of texture and detail, from the wrinkles in Judith's clothing to the veins in Holofernes's neck. The composition is dynamic and well balanced, with the figure of Judith in the center and the headless body of Holofernes in the background.

Color is another interesting aspect of this painting, with a rich and varied palette that includes warm and cool tones. The reds and golds of Judith's clothing contrast with the darker, muted tones of the background, creating a dramatic and vibrant effect.

The story behind the painting is also intriguing. It is believed to have been commissioned by Cardinal Scipione Borghese in the 17th century and displayed in his villa in Rome. Over the years, the painting has been the subject of controversy due to its violent and sexualized subject matter, but it has also been admired for its technical skill and aesthetic beauty.

There are little-known aspects about this painting, such as the fact that Césari was also known for his skills as a sculptor and that he worked on the Sistine Chapel during the papacy of Clement VIII. In addition, it is believed that the model for the figure of Judith was the Roman actress and courtesan Beatrice Cenci, who was executed by order of Pope Clement VIII.

In short, "Judith with the Head of Holofernes" is a stunning work of art that combines technical skill, drama, and aesthetic beauty. Its classic and detailed style, its dynamic composition and its rich and varied palette make it a unique and unforgettable piece of art history.

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