Expulsion of the Duke of Athens

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price¥37,400 JPY


The painting "Expulsion of the Duke of Athens" by artist Stefano Ussi is a masterpiece that captivates the viewer with its artistic style, composition, and use of color. With an original size of 316 x 447 cm, this historical painting tells a fascinating story and contains little-known aspects that make it even more intriguing.

Ussi's artistic style in this work is characterized by his ability to capture emotion and tension in every detail. His realistic and detailed technique allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the scene and experience the intensity of the moment represented. Each character and object is meticulously painted, demonstrating the artist's mastery of his craft.

The composition of the painting is another notable feature. Ussi uses a symmetrical and balanced composition that accentuates the importance of each figure in the scene. The Duke of Athens, surrounded by an angry mob, stands at the center of the painting, capturing the viewer's attention. The arrangement of the characters and the lines of action create a sense of movement and dynamism, intensifying the narrative of the scene.

The use of color in "Expulsion of the Duke of Athens" is particularly impressive. Ussi uses a dark and somber color palette to convey the tense and threatening atmosphere of the scene. Cold tones predominate, which reinforces the feeling of conflict and hostility. However, the artist also uses touches of warmer colors in certain details, such as the clothing of some characters, to create contrast and highlight important elements.

The story behind this painting is equally fascinating. "Expulsion of the Duke of Athens" depicts a historical event that occurred in Florence in the 14th century. The Duke of Athens, Robert of Anjou, had been appointed ruler of the city, but his tyrannical and oppressive rule led to a popular revolt. This painting captures the moment when the duke is driven out of the city by the angry mob. It is a powerful reminder of the fight for freedom and justice.

Despite its size and historical relevance, "Expulsion of the Duke of Athens" is a little-known painting compared to other masterpieces of Renaissance art. However, its artistic quality and its vivid representation of a historical event make it a hidden gem that deserves to be appreciated and studied.

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