Berlin street scene (Leipzigerstrasse)

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price¥22,100 JPY


The painting "Berlin Street Scene (Leipzigerstrasse)" by artist Menor Ury is a work that captivates viewers with its unique artistic style and its vivid depiction of urban life in the city of Berlin. With an original size of 107 x 68 cm, this piece stands out for its dynamic composition and masterful use of color.

Menor Ury's artistic style is characterized by his impressionistic approach and his ability to capture light and movement in his works. In "Berlin Street Scene", Ury portrays the lively street life of Berlin's Leipzigerstrasse, with its passers-by, carriages and historic buildings. His loose and energetic brushwork creates a sense of spontaneity and vitality, transporting the viewer to the heart of the scene.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect of this work. Ury uses a diagonal perspective to guide the viewer's gaze along the street, creating a sense of depth and movement. The buildings and people are arranged so that they fill the canvas in a balanced way, creating a sense of visual harmony.

Color plays a crucial role in the "Berlin Street Scene". Ury uses a vibrant and varied palette to represent the diversity of urban life. The bright, warm tones of the buildings contrast with the muted colors of the passers-by, creating an interesting visual effect. In addition, Ury uses loose, rapid brushstrokes to represent light and shadow, adding depth and texture to the painting.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Minor Ury, born in 1861 in Birnbaum, Prussia, was a German-Jewish painter who lived and worked in Berlin. During his career, Ury was noted for his depictions of urban landscapes and portraits, and was considered one of the leading exponents of German Impressionism. However, his career was affected by the historical events of the time, such as World War I and the rise of the Nazi regime. Ury was persecuted for his Jewish heritage and his work was deemed "degenerate art" by the Nazi regime, leading to his ostracism and removal of his works from museums.

Despite the challenges he faced during his lifetime, Menor Ury left behind a significant artistic legacy, and "Berlin Street Scene (Leipzigerstrasse)" is an outstanding display of his talent. This painting invites us to immerse ourselves in the bustling city life of Berlin at the beginning of the 20th century and reminds us of the importance of preserving and valuing art in all its forms.

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