Boys Throwing Stones

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price¥35,100 JPY


The painting Boys Throwing Stones by the Hungarian artist Károly Ferenczy is a work that attracts attention for its artistic style and composition. Made in 1907, this work belongs to the artist's symbolist period, in which he devoted himself to exploring themes related to childhood and nature.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as it shows three children throwing stones into a river. The artist manages to capture the energy and emotion of the moment, with the children in full motion and the stones flying through the air. The perspective is very successful, since the viewer feels as if he were in the place of the children, participating in their game.

Color is another prominent aspect of the work. Ferenczy uses a palette of soft, warm tones, which give the painting a sense of tranquility and harmony. The green and blue tones of the river and sky contrast with the red and yellow of the children's clothing, creating a very interesting visual effect.

The history of the painting is also relevant. Ferenczy was one of the founders of the Nagybánya art movement, which emerged in Hungary at the end of the 19th century and was characterized by its focus on nature and rural life. Boys Throwing Stones was one of the artist's most important works within this movement, and became a symbol of childhood and innocence.

A little-known aspect of the work is that Ferenczy used his own children as models for the children in the painting. This allowed him to capture the essence of childhood in a very authentic and emotional way.

In conclusion, Boys Throwing Stones is a fascinating work of art that combines dynamic composition, a harmonious color palette, and a story rich in meaning. This painting remains a leading example of Károly Ferenczy's talent and artistic vision.

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