A tronie

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price¥26,400 JPY


The painting "A Tronie" by the artist Jan Lievens is an impressive work that attracts the attention of the viewer from the very first moment. This painting, which has an original size of 63 x 52 cm, is a sample of the baroque artistic style characterized by exuberance, richness and drama.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, since the face of the character is the center of attention. The figure is represented in profile, which gives it a mysterious and enigmatic air. In addition, the lighting is very careful and gives depth and texture to the face, highlighting the details of the skin and facial features.

Color is another outstanding aspect of this work. Lievens uses a very rich and varied color palette, with warm and cool tones combining harmoniously. The intense red of the lips contrasts with the dark green of the background, while the yellow and white bring luminosity and shine to the face.

The history of the painting is also very interesting. Although the identity of the character depicted is unknown, it is believed to be a "tronie", a type of portrait popular in the Baroque era that depicted anonymous or imaginary characters. Furthermore, it is known that Lievens was a very influential artist in his time and that he worked closely with other great artists such as Rembrandt.

Finally, it should be noted that this painting is one of Lievens's least known works, which makes it an undervalued artistic treasure. However, its beauty and quality are undoubted and deserve to be appreciated by all art lovers.

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