Allegory of Abundance

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price¥35,800 JPY


Hendrick Van Balen's painting Allegory of Abundance is a Flemish Baroque masterpiece featuring a rich composition full of detail and symbolism. The work, which measures 66 x 93 cm, is an oil on canvas dating from the 17th century.

Van Balen's artistic style is evident in the painting, as it presents a meticulous and detailed technique typical of the Flemish Baroque. The composition is complex, with a large number of elements that interact with each other to create a harmonious and balanced image.

Color is another interesting aspect of the painting, as Van Balen uses a rich and vibrant palette that highlights the opulence and abundance of the subject. Gold and red tones predominate in the work, creating a feeling of luxury and wealth.

The story behind the painting is unknown, but it is believed to represent the allegory of abundance, with a female figure surrounded by fruits, flowers, and valuables. The central figure is surrounded by mythological and allegorical characters, such as the god Bacchus and the goddess Ceres, who symbolize fertility and prosperity.

Little-known aspects of the painting include the presence of hidden elements, such as the figure of a masked man in the lower left of the work. You can also appreciate minute details, such as the textures of the fruits and leaves, which show the technical skill of the artist.

In short, the Allegory of Abundance painting is an impressive work of Flemish Baroque featuring a complex and detailed composition, a rich and vibrant palette, and a story full of symbolism and allegories. It is a work of art that continues to captivate viewers to this day.

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