Saint Sebastian

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price¥23,300 JPY


The painting St Sebastian by Marco Palmezzano is a work that stands out for its Renaissance artistic style and its classical composition. The Italian artist manages to capture a great emotional charge and drama in his work through the figure of the Christian martyr Saint Sebastian.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, since Palmezzano uses the sfumato technique to create an effect of depth and three-dimensionality in the figure of Saint Sebastian. In addition, the pose of the saint, with his body in tension and his gaze at the sky, conveys a sensation of suffering and sacrifice.

Regarding color, Palmezzano uses a very rich and varied color palette, with dark and light tones that contrast with each other. The red and gold tones stand out especially, which add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the work.

The history of the painting is also very interesting. It is believed that it was made in the 16th century for the church of Saint Sebastian in Forlì, Italy. For centuries, the work was attributed to other artists, until Palmezzano's signature was discovered in the 20th century at the bottom of the painting.

Finally, a little-known aspect about the work is that it has been the subject of numerous copies and reproductions throughout history. It is even said that a copy of the painting was given by Pope Pius IX to the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, as a token of appreciation for his support of the Catholic cause during the Civil War.

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