Peasants Playing Bowling in a Street of the Villa

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price¥34,200 JPY


"Peasants Bowling in a Village Street" is a fascinating painting by artist David The Younger Tenier. Originally sized 34 x 47 cm, this painting stands out for its unique artistic style, dynamic composition, use of color, and intriguing story.

In terms of artistic style, The Younger Tenier was known for his ability to depict scenes of everyday life with astonishing realism. In "Peasants Bowling in a Village Street," we can appreciate his meticulous attention to detail, from the characters' facial expressions to the textures of clothing and objects. This attention to detail gives the painting a sense of authenticity, transporting the viewer directly into the bustling atmosphere of the village.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect. The Younger Tenier uses a diagonal perspective to guide our gaze along the town street, creating a sense of depth and movement. The characters are arranged in groups, interacting with each other and with the environment, which adds dynamism to the scene. This arrangement also reinforces the idea of ​​community and social life in the village.

Regarding color, El Tenier Más Joven uses a warm and earthy palette, with brown, ocher and green tones. These colors convey a sense of rusticity and simplicity, in keeping with the rural life depicted in the painting. However, there are also touches of more vibrant colours, such as the deep red of some of the women's skirts, which add contrast and vibrancy to the scene.

The history of the painting is also intriguing. Although it appears to be a simple scene of peasants bowling on a town street, there are little-known aspects that add depth to the work. For example, some experts suggest that the painting may be a social critique in disguise, as peasants frolic amid poverty and oppression. Others see in the scene a representation of the struggle between rural life and the growing influence of the city.

In short, "Peasants Bowling in a Village Street" is a captivating painting noted for its realistic art style, dynamic composition, use of color, and intriguing story. Through this work, The Younger Tenier transports us to the daily life of a village, capturing the essence of community and human interaction in a rural environment.

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