A Moonlit Landscape with Ruins

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price¥34,800 JPY


The painting "A Moonlit Landscape with Ruins" by Aert Van Der Neer is a masterpiece of 17th century Dutch Baroque art. The painting is a stunning example of the artist's talent in creating atmospheric and evocative nightscapes.

The composition of the painting is impressive. The artist has created a dreamlike scene with ancient ruins receding into the distance. The full moon illuminates the landscape with a soft and mysterious glow. Moonlight creates deep shadows and dramatic contrasts in the painting.

The color in the painting is impressive. The artist has used a dark and rich color palette to create a nocturnal atmosphere. Blue and green tones combine to create a shadow and light effect that is stunning.

The history of the painting is interesting. The work was created in 1650 and is considered one of Van Der Neer's best works. The painting was acquired by the Rothschild family in the 19th century and has been exhibited in some of the most prestigious art galleries in the world.

There are some lesser known aspects of painting that are interesting. For example, the artist was known for his skill in creating nightscapes, but he was also a skilled portrait painter and genre scene painter. In addition, the painting has been the subject of several technical studies that have revealed fascinating details about the artist's technique.

In short, "A Moonlit Landscape with Ruins" is a masterpiece of Dutch Baroque art that stands out for its impressive composition, color and atmosphere. The painting is a sample of the artist's talent in the creation of night landscapes and is a jewel of art history.

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