allegory of fortune

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price¥23,300 JPY


The painting Allegory of Fortune by the artist Jacopo Ligozzi is a work of art that presents a very interesting and colorful composition. This painting is in an original size of 44 x 27 cm and is made with oil on canvas.

Ligozzi's artistic style is very particular and can be appreciated in this work. The artist uses a technique of soft and delicate brushstrokes to create an image that seems to float in the air. In addition, the composition of the painting is very dynamic and presents a great amount of detail that makes the work very interesting to observe.

The color in Allegory of Fortune is another aspect that attracts attention. Ligozzi uses a very vibrant and bright color palette that contrasts with the darkness of the background. Gold, red and green tones blend harmoniously to create a feeling of richness and opulence.

The history of the painting is also very interesting. Allegory of Fortune was created in the 16th century during the Italian Renaissance. The work represents the figure of Fortune, which is an allegory of luck and destiny. The figure of Fortune is surrounded by a series of elements that symbolize wealth, power and prosperity.

Lastly, there are some little-known aspects of this painting that are worth mentioning. For example, it is known that Ligozzi worked for the Medici court in Florence and that this work was part of a series of paintings he created for the Duke of Mantua. In addition, it is said that the figure of Fortune was inspired by the Roman goddess of the same name.

In conclusion, Allegory of Fortune is a fascinating painting that features a dynamic composition, a distinctive artistic style, and a vibrant color palette. The story behind the work and little-known aspects make this painting even more interesting to look at and study.

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