Portrait of a Woman

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price¥24,500 JPY


Portrait of a Woman is an exceptional painting by the Dutch artist Willem Drost, dating from the 17th century. The work is a sample of the Dutch baroque style, which is characterized by the exaggeration of details and emotional intensity.

The composition of the work is impressive, since the portrayed woman occupies a large part of the painting with a serene and elegant expression. The artist manages to capture the beauty of his model with a masterful technique, using a palette of soft and warm colors that highlight the luminosity of her skin and her clothes.

Color is a key element in this painting, as Drost uses a range of pastel shades to create a soft and harmonious atmosphere. The contrast between the dark background and the illuminated figure of the woman adds depth and drama to the work.

The history of Portrait of a Woman is fascinating, as very little is known about its origin and model. It is believed that the woman portrayed could be the wife of the artist or an important figure of the time, although this has not been confirmed. What is known is that the work was acquired by the Louvre Museum in Paris in the 19th century, and since then it has been one of the most admired works in its collection.

Little-known aspects of the painting include the technique used by Drost, which involved applying several layers of paint to create a smooth, delicate texture. There has also been speculation about the influence of other artists on the work, such as Rembrandt or Vermeer, although this is difficult to confirm.

In summary, Portrait of a Woman is a Dutch Baroque masterpiece that stands out for its technique, composition and color. Its mysterious history and timeless beauty make it one of the most interesting and captivating paintings in the history of art.

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