size(cm): 45x75
Sale price¥39,400 JPY


The painting Inferno by the renowned artist Franz Von Se Quedó is a work that does not leave those who contemplate it indifferent. With an original size of 129 x 210 cm, this masterpiece stands out for its unique artistic style and exceptional composition.

Franz Von Se Quedó's artistic style is characterized by his surreal approach and his ability to capture intense emotions in his works. Inferno is no exception as it shows a chaotic and harrowing scene that evokes a sense of anguish and despair. The artist manages to convey these emotions through his masterful use of rapid, gestural brushstrokes, creating a murky and oppressive atmosphere.

Inferno's composition is another highlight of this painting. Von Se Quédó uses an unusual perspective, which plunges us into an abyss of suffering and torment. The arrangement of the figures and elements in the work creates a sense of chaos and disorder, reflecting the despair of those trapped in hell.

The use of color in Inferno is striking and evocative. Von Se Quédó uses a dark and somber color palette, dominated by red and black tones, which intensify the sensation of horror and suffering. However, he also uses brushstrokes of lighter, brighter colors, such as yellow and white, to bring out certain details and create visual contrasts that capture the viewer's attention.

The history of the Inferno painting is also fascinating. It was created in 1945, during the Second World War, and it is believed that Von Se Quedó was inspired by the atrocities and chaos he witnessed during that period. The work became a symbol of the devastation and destruction caused by war, and was hailed as a powerful depiction of the horrors of humanity.

Although Inferno is widely recognized and appreciated, there are little-known aspects of this painting that add an additional level of intrigue. Von Se Quedó is rumored to have used secret techniques and unconventional materials in its creation, giving the work an almost mystical quality. Furthermore, the artist is said to have experienced a trance state during the painting process, allowing him to connect to a deeper level of his creativity and artistic expression.

In conclusion, the painting Inferno by Franz Von Se Quedó is a masterpiece that captivates with its artistic style, composition, use of color and its fascinating history. This piece arouses intense emotions in the viewer and invites us to reflect on the horrors of war and the human condition.

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