Angel of the Annunciation

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price¥28,000 JPY


The "Angel of the Announcement" by the artist Gherardo Di Jacopo Starnina is a fascinating painting full of details that capture the viewer's attention. Originally 50 x 39 cm in size, this painting is a late-Gothic masterpiece with a number of interesting aspects worth exploring.

In terms of artistic style, Starnina's painting shows a clear influence of Byzantine art, with its stylized figures and rich ornamentation. However, elements of the Italian Gothic style can also be appreciated, such as the three-dimensional representation of the characters and the attention to detail in the clothing and accessories.

The composition of the work is very careful and balanced. At the center of the painting is the angel Gabriel, with his wings outstretched and a serene expression on his face. At his side is the Virgin Mary, who is surprised and humbled by the divine announcement. Both characters are surrounded by a golden background, which highlights their importance and divinity.

Regarding color, the painting presents a rich and vibrant color palette. Gold and blue tones dominate the composition, creating a striking and attractive visual contrast. Red and green details add a touch of vivacity and enrich the scene.

The history of this painting dates back to the 14th century, when it was commissioned by an unknown patron. Although the original purpose of the work is not known with certainty, it is believed that it was created to be exhibited in a place of worship, as an altar piece. Its relatively small size suggests that it was conceived for an intimate space close to the faithful.

Furthermore, there are little-known aspects of this painting that make it even more intriguing. For example, it has been discovered that Starnina used innovative techniques in her creation, such as the use of gold leaf to highlight certain details and give them a special shine. It has also been speculated that the painting may have been part of a larger set of panels, although no conclusive evidence has been found for this.

In conclusion, Gherardo Di Jacopo Starnina's "Angel of the Announcement" is a captivating painting that combines elements of Byzantine and Italian Gothic art. Its artistic style, balanced composition, vibrant color palette, and little-known details make it a unique and admirable work of art.

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