Saint Francis in Prayer Before the Crucifix

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price¥26,400 JPY


The painting "St Francis in Prayer before the Crucifix" by the artist El Greco is a masterpiece that combines elements of Renaissance and Mannerism. The painting shows Saint Francis of Assisi kneeling in prayer before a crucifix, while an angel watches him from above.

The artistic style of El Greco is very evident in this work, with the stylized and elongated figure of Saint Francis, which is a common feature in his work. The composition is very balanced, with the angel at the top of the painting and the crucifix at the bottom, creating a sense of harmony and balance.

The use of color in this painting is impressive, with subtle shades of blue and green in the robes of Saint Francis and the angel, contrasting with the deep red of the saint's cloak. The dark background also helps to highlight the central figure and the cross.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by a Spanish nobleman for his private chapel. The work was completed in 1585 and is believed to be one of El Greco's first paintings in Spain after his arrival from Italy.

A little-known aspect of this painting is that at the bottom right is a Latin inscription reading "El Greco did this", suggesting that the artist was proud of his work and wanted it to be properly attributed.

In short, "St Francis in Prayer before the Crucifix" is an impressive work that showcases El Greco's talent and skill as an artist. Its unique artistic style, balanced composition, use of color, and the story behind the painting make it a fascinating piece for any art lover.

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