Judas Leaves the Cenacle

size(cm): 20x15 Original size
Sale price¥11,000 JPY


The painting "Judas Leaves the Upper Room" by James Tissot is a masterpiece of 19th century religious art. This work represents the moment when Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, leaves the last supper to betray his teacher.

Tissot's artistic style is impressive in this work. The artist uses a realistic painting technique that resembles photography. Every detail of the scene is carefully rendered, from the wrinkles in the clothing to the facial expressions of the characters.

The composition of the painting is also impressive. Tissot uses a perspective in which the viewer feels as if they are in the room with the characters. The dinner table is in the center of the painting, and the characters are naturally arranged around it.

Color is another outstanding aspect of this work. Tissot uses a palette of soft and warm colors that create a calm and serene atmosphere. The gold and brown tones of the table and walls contrast with the darker tones of the characters' clothing.

The story behind the painting is fascinating. Tissot was a French artist who converted to Catholicism after a personal crisis. After his conversion, Tissot devoted himself to painting religious scenes with great detail and realism.

A little known aspect of this work is that Tissot used real models to represent the characters. The artist hired actors to pose for him, allowing him to capture the true essence of the scene.

In conclusion, "Judas Leaves the Cenacle" is a masterpiece of 19th century religious art. The artistic style, the composition, the color and the story behind the painting make this work a unique and fascinating piece.

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