The table

size(cm): 60x45
Sale price¥35,100 JPY


Title: 'The Table' by Henri Matisse: A Study in Color, Composition and Character

Henri Matisse's painting 'The Table', one of the Fauvist master's most notable works, is a fascinating study in color, composition and character. This work, which is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, is a brilliant example of Matisse's ability to transform the everyday into something extraordinary.

The painting features a simple domestic scene: a table covered with a checkered tablecloth, adorned with a jug and bowl of fruit. However, it is Matisse's way of handling color and composition that transforms this scene into a vibrant and emotionally resonant work of art.

The use of color is undoubtedly one of the highlights of 'The Table'. Matisse, as a leader of the Fauvist movement, was known for his bold and almost abstract use of color. In 'The Table', bright, saturated colors dominate the composition. The checkered tablecloth is an explosion of reds, blues and greens, while the jug and fruit bowl are a deep blue and bright yellow respectively. These vibrant colors, along with the blacks and whites used for details and shadows, create a dramatic contrast that brings the scene to life.

The composition of 'The Table' is also noteworthy. Matisse has arranged the elements of the painting in such a way that the table and the objects on it fill almost the entire pictorial space, creating a feeling of proximity and intimacy. The viewer's slightly elevated perspective adds an additional dimension to the composition, allowing us to see both the table surface and the objects from above.

Although 'The Table' does not feature human characters, the human presence is palpably felt. The table appears to be newly set, with the jug and bowl of fruit arranged neatly. This detail suggests the presence of a person outside the frame, adding a layer of narrative to the painting.

A lesser known aspect of 'The Table' is its relationship to Matisse's personal life. The painting was made in 1910, during a period of great change in the artist's life. Matisse had left Paris and moved to Issy-les-Moulineaux, a quiet suburb, where he sought an escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. 'The Table', with its calm, homely scene, can be seen as a reflection of this desire for peace and stability.

In short, 'The Table' by Henri Matisse is a work of art that dazzles with its bold use of color and careful composition. Although at first glance it may appear to be a simple domestic scene, closer examination reveals a work of art filled with emotion, narrative and personal meaning.

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