Saint Sebastian Thrown into the Maximum Sewer

size(cm): 40x60
Sale price¥31,600 JPY


The painting "Saint Sebastian Thrown Into The Maximum Sewer" by Lodovico Carracci is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art of the 17th century. This work depicts the story of Saint Sebastian, a Christian martyr who was sentenced to death by the Roman Emperor Diocletian.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a great amount of detail and a perspective that makes the viewer feel part of the scene. The figure of Saint Sebastian is in the center of the painting, surrounded by the executioners who throw him into the sewer. The expression of pain and suffering on the saint's face is touching.

The coloring of the painting is another outstanding aspect. Dark, somber tones create an atmosphere of tension and drama, while details on the executioners' clothing and armor add a touch of realism and authenticity.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. It is said that Lodovico Carracci was hired to paint this work by a group of monks who wanted to decorate their church with an image of Saint Sebastian. However, the painting was deemed too violent and disturbing to be displayed in a sacred place, so it was sold to a private collector.

Also, there is a little-known aspect of this painting that makes it even more interesting. It is said that Lodovico Carracci included his own portrait in the figure of the executioner holding the rope that holds Saint Sebastian. This detail shows the artist's ability to create a work of art that is not only beautiful, but also full of meaning and symbolism.

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