Saint Jerome and a Donor

size(cm): 50x45
Sale price¥31,000 JPY


The painting "St Jerome and a Donor" by artist Piero Della Francesca is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece noted for its unique artistic style and balanced and harmonious composition.

The painting shows Saint Jerome, one of the most revered saints of the Catholic Church, in the company of an unknown donor. Saint Jerome is represented in his cell, surrounded by books and study objects, while the donor is kneeling in an attitude of prayer.

The composition of the painting is exceptional, with a careful arrangement of the elements that creates a sense of balance and harmony. The figure of Saint Jerome is in the center of the composition, surrounded by an arch that frames his figure and creates a sensation of depth. The donor, for his part, is closer to the viewer, which gives him a greater role in the scene.

Color is another prominent aspect of Piero Della Francesca's work. The earthy and soft tones create a serene and calm atmosphere, which invites reflection and contemplation. The artist's technique is impeccable, with precision and detail that reveal his skill as a painter.

The history of painting is fascinating. It was created around 1451 for the church of San Giovanni Battista in the Italian city of Urbino, and has been the subject of numerous studies and analysis. It is believed that the donor could be Federico da Montefeltro, the famous Duke of Urbino, although this has not been confirmed.

In short, "St Jerome and a Donor" is an exceptional work of art that combines technique, composition and color to create an image of great beauty and depth. Its unique artistic style and intriguing history make it a must-have for lovers of art and culture.

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