Saint Stephen

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price¥23,300 JPY


Giotto Di Bondone's Saint Stephen painting is a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance art. This work was created in the 14th century and measures 84 x 54 cm. The painting depicts Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr, who was stoned to death for his faith.

The composition of the work is very interesting, since Giotto uses the technique of perspective to create a feeling of depth and realism. The figure of Saint Stephen is located in the center of the painting, surrounded by a group of people who are stoning him. Behind them, a city and a mountainous landscape stretching to the horizon can be seen.

Giotto's artistic style is characterized by an emotional realism that can be seen in the expression of the characters. In the painting of Saint Stephen, the saint's face reflects his pain and suffering, while the attackers have expressions of anger and cruelty.

The use of color in the painting is very effective in highlighting the figure of Saint Stephen. Giotto uses vibrant shades of red and yellow for the saint's cloak, while the assailants wear dark, muted clothing. Also, the sky behind the scene is painted in a deep blue tone that contrasts with the rest of the work.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was created as part of a fresco cycle in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy. These frescoes were commissioned by banker Enrico Scrovegni as a way to redeem himself for his family's sins. The painting of Saint Stephen was one of the first to be completed and is on the left wall of the chapel.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Giotto included his own image in the work. The artist can be seen in the lower right corner of the painting, dressed in a red robe and holding a palette and brush. This is a show of the artist's ego, but it also demonstrates his ability to include himself in the scene without interrupting the overall composition.

In conclusion, Giotto Di Bondone's painting of Saint Stephen is a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance art that stands out for its composition, artistic style, use of color, and the story behind its creation. This work is an example of Giotto's skill and technique as an artist and his ability to represent emotions and feelings in his works.

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