Portrait of a Young Man

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price¥24,500 JPY


The painting Portrait of a Young Man by the artist Ambrosius Holbein is a masterpiece of the German Renaissance. The portrait shows a young aristocrat with an intense look and elegant posture. Holbein's technique is impressive, as he manages to capture the texture of clothing and skin in great detail.

The composition of the work is very interesting, since the young man is situated against a dark background, which makes his figure stand out even more. In addition, the young man's pose is very natural and shows great self-confidence.

As for color, Holbein uses a very limited palette, with brown and gray tones predominating. However, the artist manages to create great depth in the work through the chiaroscuro technique, which consists of using contrasts of light and shadow to create a sensation of volume and depth.

The history of the painting is fascinating, since the identity of the young man portrayed is unknown. It has been speculated that he could be a member of the German royal family, but there is no concrete evidence to confirm this. What is known is that the work was created around 1518 and that it has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and studies by art experts.

As for little-known aspects, it has been discovered that the work was restored in the 19th century, which has generated some controversy among art experts. Some argue that the restoration has altered the original work, while others argue that it has allowed it to recover its beauty and splendor.

In short, Ambrosius Holbein's Portrait of a Young Man is an impressive work that combines technique, composition and color in a masterful way. Its mysterious history and timeless beauty make it one of the most fascinating works of the German Renaissance.

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