Ptolemy II Discussing the Translation of the Old Testament with Hebrew Scholars

size(cm): 50x70
Sale price¥37,300 JPY


The painting "Ptolemy II Discussing the Translation of the Old Testament with the Hebrew Scholars" by the artist Lo Spadarino is a captivating work that masterfully combines historical and artistic elements. With an original size of 117 x 162 cm, this painting has a number of interesting aspects that are worth exploring.

Regarding the artistic style, Lo Spadarino shows his mastery of the Baroque style in this work. He uses a detailed and precise technique, with soft and delicate brushstrokes that enhance the beauty of the characters and objects represented. The artist manages to capture the elegance and serenity of the protagonists of the scene, conveying a sense of calm and solemnity.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. Lo Spadarino uses a symmetrical composition, with the main characters located in the center of the work and surrounded by classical architecture. This balanced arrangement creates a sense of harmony and order, emphasizing the importance of the subject matter represented.

Regarding color, the artist uses a soft and warm palette, dominated by earthy and golden tones. These subtle colors contribute to the calm and solemn atmosphere of the painting, and enhance the beauty of the details and textures.

The story behind this painting is also fascinating. It depicts a historical episode in which Ptolemy II, King of Egypt, meets with Hebrew scholars to discuss the translation of the Old Testament into Greek. This historic encounter, known as the translation of the Seventy, had a significant impact on the spread of knowledge and culture in the ancient world.

In addition to these more well-known aspects, there are lesser-known details in the painting that deserve attention. For example, Lo Spadarino includes small symbolic elements in the work, such as open books and scrolls, which represent knowledge and wisdom. These subtle details add an extra level of meaning to the painting and reveal the artist's skill and attention to detail.

In summary, "Ptolemy II Discussing the Translation of the Old Testament with the Hebrew Scholars" by Lo Spadarino is an impressive painting that masterfully combines artistic and historical elements. Its baroque style, symmetrical composition, soft color palette and carefully selected details make this work a jewel of art.

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